Studio Sculpt (5,5g/0,19oz. - 17USD)
You get less product with the same amount of money, but just by looking at the size of their containers I thought Studio Finish was a lot ore heavier, so don't let the size of packaging deceive you.
Creases more.
Has a creamier and heavier texture so this might be bad for oily skin and may cause break outs.
Covers up magically.
Studio Finish (7g/0,24oz. - 17USD)
Might be not so good on dry skin because of it's drier texture.
Covers up magically.
You get more product with the same amount of money.
Creases less.
Has a lighter texture and more silicone kind of feel to it.
Has SPF35.
Overall Studio Finish concealer wins this battle for me.
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